Jesus loves the little children, all the children in the world…. some of us grew up singing that song, while others of us heard it for the first time as adults. We believe this song is true and that all children are loved, created uniquely by God, and that He has a plan for their lives. Our goal at Freedom Church is to teach our kids that they can have a relationship with Christ no matter how old they are.
We take great care in presenting Jesus in a way that is fun and relevant. As they develop relationships with each other and see Christ-like character modeled before them, they will grow, becoming His disciples. Each of our classes touches each child right where they are in their walk with God.
Sunday Mornings (2nd Service only)
Freedom Kids Nursery
Birth through 4 years old (opens at 10:15 AM)
Freedom Kids
Kindergarten through 5th Grade (dismissed after worship)
Wednesday Evenings
Freedom Kids Nursery
Birth through 4 years old (opens at 5:45 PM)
Freedom Kids
Kindergarten through 5th Grade (opens at 5:55 PM)
For more information or if you have any questions please contact us at or call the Church Office.